There are few events in our day to day lives that do not become routines. Whether it is brushing our teeth, putting gas in our cars, or going bowling there exists in our minds a series of predictable steps and specific objects associated with those steps. Often we move through these familiar activities with little notice. However, there are aspects of these routine activities that deserve a second look. A well organized routine can have a powerful effect on a child with severe disabilities. Children with severe disabilites have been shown to benefit from learning through routines.If you consider your child's day, you probably have already established a variety of routines. Think about changing a diaper, eating a meal, bath time, etc. These events happen daily and generally in a predictable or routine way.
"Al kisah bangunnya beta hari ini dari singgah sana Istana di kejutkan oleh Adinda beta melalui teriakan Norkia 6020 yang mengaum teriakan sorak sorai kemeriahn sebagai petanda bermulanya hikayat baru Al-Johnny Wal Marie Nur Salaam. Yang bertaik mata bangun menggagau asbab tidurnya selepas subuh dinihari meraikan FIFA 07,Yang malas berjalannya menggaru anggota-anggota badan ke persiraman. Dengan berbekalkan persiapan bekalan mengajar orang putih bercakap melayu mencari wang harian maka sebermulalah langkah kaki dengan longlalinya.........malasnya nak pegi keja hari ni...."