Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rude Thin

There are few events in our day to day lives that do not become routines. Whether it is brushing our teeth, putting gas in our cars, or going bowling there exists in our minds a series of predictable steps and specific objects associated with those steps. Often we move through these familiar activities with little notice. However, there are aspects of these routine activities that deserve a second look. A well organized routine can have a powerful effect on a child with severe disabilities. Children with severe disabilites have been shown to benefit from learning through routines.If you consider your child's day, you probably have already established a variety of routines. Think about changing a diaper, eating a meal, bath time, etc. These events happen daily and generally in a predictable or routine way.

"Al kisah bangunnya beta hari ini dari singgah sana Istana di kejutkan oleh Adinda beta melalui teriakan Norkia 6020 yang mengaum teriakan sorak sorai kemeriahn sebagai petanda bermulanya hikayat baru Al-Johnny Wal Marie Nur Salaam. Yang bertaik mata bangun menggagau asbab tidurnya selepas subuh dinihari meraikan FIFA 07,Yang malas berjalannya menggaru anggota-anggota badan ke persiraman. Dengan berbekalkan persiapan bekalan mengajar orang putih bercakap melayu mencari wang harian maka sebermulalah langkah kaki dengan longlalinya.........malasnya nak pegi keja hari ni...."

Gula-gula untuk rakyat

Gambar cokelat ni macam memberi seribu satu perspektif akan pentingnya pilihanraya Kuala Terengganu.Sampai ke tahap begini kempen pilihanraya.Nasib takwat iklan kat tv. Disebabkan buat kempen pakai benda leh dimakan maka hasilnya macam benda boleh dimakanla. Lepas ni wat la keropok,air tin ,test pad,Kasut, Choki-choki,Rokok,Handphone dan seluruh isi rumah......mesti leh menang punya.



There are words in life to inspire us,
Words that bring comfort and care;
Encouraging words to a friend
When they're in the depth of despair.

There are words between two lovers
Declaring their love for each other;
But sometimes we speak harsh words
Inflicting pain on another.

Words that are chosen wisely
Which we speak in a gentle tone,
Are those that come from our heart
And with them true kindness is shown

Public Policy?????

What is public policy? my opinion of public policy is first it all, it start from public opinion. To make it easy, we have two groups of people. Each group have own opinion and fight against each other and one group will win while the others will lose. This may take ten continues year for that to happen. Whatever groups win what we called ‘public policy’ or ‘public law’. For Example in America , 1970’s abortions became public policy or public law. But it was fight over each group until one became victor and that’s what we call public law.

Policy also synonym of what we called as a people’s issues. Each country in the world has own definition of public policy. This is also related with what they arguing for. As a Malaysian we are also has voice and right over it, but hurm..........

Gate Keepers

Kadang-kadang aku heran gak dalam kehidupan ni...macam-macam benda pelik berlaku...sebagai contoh Security USM.Dah macam satu family plak. Ada Pak Guard ,Mak Guard , Abang Guard , Kak Guard , adik Guard n cucu guard dengar cter is coming soon... lawak pun ada.Benda-benda mcm ni memang bebudak USM kata perkara biasa tapi bagi aku sebab hari-hari aku kuar masuk USM,nak taknak kena gak tgk muka dorang. Lagipun dah keje dorang cari rezeki even dorang just ronda-ronda usha awek-awek siswi n berdiri kat pintu. Semalam baru aku nampak bagaimana dorg berfungsi sebab ada fire drill. P haram aku nak kuar blik...hua2..the best thing is USM ada Sing Guard,,,,hehehe..lawak je...selamat berkerja kepada semua.
P/s; Gambar Paklah tu takde kaitan dengan apa aku lirikkan diatas cuma da khabar angin yang PakLah tak jadi bersara bulan 3 ni maka aku berdoa agar beliau dapat jadi seperti gambar sedemikian.......heheheheh